Meet Noël
Welcome to my website; I am Noël de Christián, and I sincerely appreciate your visit. As a photographer, one of my foremost aspirations is to create striking works of art that resonate with viewers. From an early age, I have possessed a keen eye for beauty and composition, qualities that I harness to produce images that are not merely photographs but heartfelt expressions of my artistic vision.
While I take pleasure in exploring various genres of photography, my primary focus lies in the realms of landscape and travel photography. These areas truly ignite my passion and serve as my creative calling. Each photograph I capture reflects not only the breathtaking beauty of the world around us but also the profound emotions and experiences that accompany my journeys. I invite you to explore my portfolio and join me on a visual adventure.
How it all started
When I first ventured into the world of photography, I relied solely on film and often enlisted my sister as my willing model, who graciously "volunteered" her time to endure the heat of my studio lights. The warmth generated by those lights created a rather toasty environment, making it a challenge to stay comfortable. The anticipation that accompanied the wait for film development was exhilarating, as I eagerly looked forward to discovering whether my settings had captured a worthy image. Some results were pleasing, while others fell short, but each experience imparted valuable lessons about what worked and what didn’t. It felt like Christmas morning with every new roll of film developed, unveiling the fruits of my labor.
Fast forward approximately 35 years, and my passion for photography remains as strong as ever. While my early focus may have been on capturing images of people, I now have the incredible opportunity to travel the globe, photographing stunning landscapes. As a former gallery owner, there’s nothing more gratifying than seeing one of my fine-art prints displayed proudly in a beautiful home or business, where it can inspire and bring joy to others.
In addition to my own artistic pursuits, I am deeply committed to sharing my knowledge through personalized photography lessons and workshops. Teaching and mentoring fellow photographers enrich my experience and deepen my connection to this vibrant and diverse community.
I'm available for private photography lessons or photo expeditions in the South Florida area. Please contact me directly for rates or further information.

More about me
I love people but prefer crazy fun people.
My clients usually become great friends.
Love the color blue but I tend to wear a lot of black.
Hate celery and hate even more peanut butter. Yuck !
Love all animals but not too fond of insects.
If I don't love what I'm doing, I won't do it.
Love a good joke specially naughty ones.
I love Pineapple-Coconut ice cream .
I speak four languages.
I’m a vegetarian when travelling but vegan at home.
I'm a servant to three purebred cats from Russia.
Love ziplining, beaches, rainbows, traveling and fireworks.
My favorite places in the world are Maui and Paris.